First, let’s read the article: Four Things Employees Need From Leaders by Cleve Stevens, Harvard Business Review May 2010. It should take no more than a few minutes!

Ask yourself:

  • How are you and your leaders showing your “love”?
  • How are you helping each person in your group to “grow”?
  • What did you do this week to expand the world of your team by asking leading questions, offering new insights, applying different techniques to solve problems?
  • Does your team understand how their day-to-day efforts contribute to the whole organization? To helping customers? Have you helped connect the dots beyond just making a number? How is the work they do valuable beyond the quotas, budgets or plans?
  • Have you recognized anyone for a success that is not financially focused? (a good deed, an understanding of a customer’s environment, a role model of working in a group…)


Does your team need a boost?

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